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The Dark Horse Entrepreneur | Helping Parents Make Money Online

Dec 21, 2022

SUMMARY: The Dark Horse Entrepreneur podcast helps entrepreneurs who are struggling with technology, procrastination, and imposter syndrome. In this episode, Tracy Brinkman discusses how to generate endless content ideas. He recommends ten websites that entrepreneurs can use to get ideas for their next piece of content. These websites include sites like BuzzSumo, Quora, and Reddit.


Tracy discusses how important it is for experts in their field to come up with content ideas, and provides a list of ten websites that can help generate an endless stream of content ideas. The websites listed include: Quora, Reddit, Google Trends, and BuzzSumo. Tracy  emphasizes that the purpose of the list is not to provide ideas that can be copied and pasted, but rather to give experts an idea of what their audience might be interested in.


The conversation discusses the website Socrates which is a search engine designed to help you learn more about your target audience. You can use Socrates to find out what topics and keywords that are already popular inside your target audience as well as common problems they're facing and questions they're asking. The information from Socrates can be used to create content that is relevant and useful to your audience.


Quora is a website where people can ask and answer questions on any topic. It is a great resource for finding content ideas, as you can easily find questions relevant to your niche or industry.



0:00:00   10 Websites for Endless Content Ideas

0:02:14   10 Websites to Help You Generate an Endless Stream of Content Ideas

0:03:51   How to Use Socrates to Learn About Your Target Audience

0:05:34   How to Use Quora and Answer the Public to Create an Endless Stream of Blog Post Ideas

0:07:07   Quora: A Great Way to Generate Content Ideas

0:08:28   How to Use Various Websites to Generate Content Ideas

0:13:17   How to Use Various Online Platforms to Find Content Ideas for Your Life Coaching Business

0:19:04   How to Use Google Trends to Find Out What's Being Talked About in the Coaching World

0:20:36   10 Ways to Find Ideas for Your Life Coaching Business

0:22:21   Ten Websites for an Endless Source of Content Ideas



This is a great way to find some visual content that is relevant to your audience to help you come up with ideas that are both interesting as well as being visually appealing.


Now in this particular example, it's actually the introduction to one of the people Twitter is trying to get me to follow. But if I click on their profile, they have a whole host of great pieces of content in here.


And as you might expect, these conversations can be a great source of content ideas to get started. Once again, type in the keyword or phrase and see what people are tweeting about.


How you can as a life coach to keep up with this example and I beat this one down the ground, could give your prospects, your clients, your customers some great ideas for motivational gifts for their loved ones on the holiday season.


Reddit is one of the most popular websites in the world and it's also a great source of content ideas. Simply browse through all the various Reddits. Some of you may think of them as forums and see what people are talking about.